Frankenstein — NEW EDITION!! Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prometheus (by Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelly) Extra large format 28.0 x 41.0 cm 248 pages, softcover, edition of 15, published in…

Frankenstein — NEW EDITION!! Frankenstein: Or, the Modern Prometheus (by Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelly) Extra large format 28.0 x 41.0 cm 248 pages, softcover, edition of 15, published in…
How to Win Friends And Influence People In Adaptation of Dale Carnegie’s Timeless Bestseller This is the completely revised edition of the oldest of all books about dealing with people, launched in…
Enter at own risk – Risiko und Glück According to Aristotle, all people are looking for happiness. But how to be happy? And what is the good life? No risk, no fun? Maybe this book can give an…
Weltformat Poster Competition 2015 THEME: Visual Scandal Posters should pack a punch. But what is the best way of doing this? Can this only be achieved through crass and vulgar means? Based on the…
Das alte Europa, 2003 Kondom, 1987 Szene, 1971 Ellenbogengesellschaft, 1982 Word of the Year Illustrations for „Wörter erzählen Geschichte“ (Publishing House Büchergilde) In Germany, a Wort des…
The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allan Poe Poe’s short story is not a detective novel, which tells the story of a crime, but it is a detective novel. This tells the story of solving a crime….
One day, one word. Social media campaign for Institut Français. Now you can learn a French word or a phrase everyday on Instagram. Work for Preuss und Preuss 2016…
RAY OF LIGHT Artist Collaboartion Die Ray of Light Kette ist in 8ct gold oder silber verfügbar. Der Anhänger kann in 7 Farben gewählt werden. 7 Illustratoren haben die Kette…